Little tricks

Little to learn to bake pies, it is important to experiment with the stuffing and exterior design, to again and again to impress family and friends. Manufacturer of cake decorations also a kind of art that will help to put a personality in every baked product. In this case, the main thing is to have creativity and imagination. But as ideas simply may not have the time, you can modify the appearance using the already tried and tested by other Housewives ideas.

Decoration for the cake is better to make any of the basic dough, either cooked separately. Separate the dough is prepared either sweet (with sugar) or grated (containing flour, yeast and water). Decorate flan, you can use carved or sculptured figures. Before you start to cut or sculpt, you need the edges of the cake neatly cut and moistened with water so that the dough is well combined among themselves. Periodically to moisten the fingers so that the dough does not stick much to your hands. Before baking a cake the oven should be well warmed up. And to achieve a browned crust get if for 10 minutes until cooked pie to lubricate it with warm milk, beaten egg or just sweet water.

Impressive and beautiful

As mentioned above, the decoration to open the pie will serve as figures that can be cut using a small kitchen knife in the shape of hearts, birds, flowers and everything that comes into my head.

But figures can be and blind, for example, outdoor cake you can decorate a kind of woven strips of dough. It would first need to roll the dough out, the thickness of which will be 3-4 cm, cut identical strips, each of which twist and twist among themselves in the harness.

Also cut strips to weave braids one or two more, laying them in a circle pie. In addition, you can not just decorate a cake, but to create a whole work of art in different ways-twisting, turning, and twisting incised layers of dough. In stores, often there are different topping for cakes, which can serve as a decoration for an open pie. It can be colorful beads, and colored sugar. Or natural topping: poppy seeds, raisins, nuts, cocoa, chocolate chips, different fruits and berries. With a little ingenuity and imagination you can quickly and easily bake a fairy loaf.