"Artistic" is a compliment, which would be a pleasant attention-seeking person. To say this word do not have a real artiste. A beautiful girl that is struggling to make on whom the impression will be pleasantly surprised by such praise, but a humble guy to this characteristic of the self will be surprised.
"Neat" – a compliment which should be pronounced deliberately. Praise is so scruffy-looking man is not worth for the reason that he will not change and will behave the same. This compliment is one of the most unromantic. To say about the accuracy is possible of a disciple, a subordinate, a child, but not his girlfriend.
Active – the target of the compliment. To call you friends, co-workers and just nice people. It is worth doing only if the person really takes an active stance.
"Ambitious" was a compliment, very original. Suitable for people who exactly understand the meaning of this word. Call so you can be successful in business person. This word with a well-pronounced emotional coloration characterizes the person who has high requirements to the quality of their lives.
"Delicious" – a dubious compliment. To say it can only be the person with whom you are in a relationship. The word "delicious" perfectly characterizes a sexy woman, but man it seems weird. Such compliments are only appropriate in the circle of familiar people.
"Angelic" is an adjective, which can describe the behavior of the person and his inner world. Best of all such a compliment to say to a girl, as the representative of the stronger sex can find it belittling manhood.
"August" – the word for in ancient times the Royal identity, the sacred nature. Today it is used as a sophisticated compliment. Usually the "August special" called a haughty young ladies with a strong sense of self-esteem.
"Fragrant" – a compliment intended for the women. To say it can be the lady that you are in a fairly close relationship. Compliments that begin with the letter "A" a little, but they perfectly characterize the personality of people and are very original.