Spruce respond well to pruning, so if you don't want conifers grow tall, just cut from time to time the top of them. After this, the tree will form many new shoots will grow in breadth. Ordinary, not well maintained spruces have a conical shape, formed can form a ball, rook, and some species can even creep. Spruce should be cut once a year. Pruning can be sanitary or decorative.
When conducting sanitary pruning inspect the tree to identify patients and dry branches. It is most convenient to do it in April when it appears and becomes noticeable fresh shoots. Using sharp secateurs cut enhanced dry branches and those that messed up during the growth, otherwise inside the joint formed by the fungus that destroys wood from the inside. Thick branches speel with a hacksaw, and environments treat the garden pitch. Such an operation can be considered a weed, as it rids the tree of all the excess, it helps light to penetrate deeper into the crown, has a General beneficial effect on the tree.
During pruning decorative tree pruning certain parts of the branches for the formation of the desired shape and decorative appearance. This method of cutting is very similar to creating forms of decorative fences. You can even resort to using special tools (clawed scissors) instead of pruning shears, work which in this case will be very slow. Do not worry about what the tree at first will not look too thick, in place of the lopped branches will soon grow new shoots. Unlike sanitary, ornamental pruning experts advise to hold at the beginning of summer, because at this time the shoots are slow to grow.
It is also necessary to consider the basic technology of trimming off the excess parts. The growth of the top of the tree dominates the growth of side branches. Cut off side branches and remove the extra part of the healthy branches to create a dense crown. Remember that place saw cut branches should be treated with special lubrication, especially the lower branches. Be sure to select the right tools to avoid damaging the wood, do not use blunt scissors and those are covered by rust. Also mention the features of ate, as the growth of its branches somewhat different from the arrangement of the branches of the other trees.