The reasons for changing career direction can be very different: disappointment in the profession, the lack of sane prospects, low wages, fatigue, or simply the curiosity and thirst for new sensations. In any case, a career change is necessary only after you weigh all the pros and cons and prepare "alternate airfield".
Usually at this age people have already reached certain heights in their chosen profession, have experience, recommendations, attractive resume. Unfortunately, very few thirty-year-olds can call themselves completely free from any obligations. Family, repairs in the apartment, a mortgage or a loan for a new car – all of this requires constant financial injections, so just write a resignation and go to the free search, most likely, will not work.
If you have seriously decided to change the scope of activities required to secure a financial reserve for the first time. Calculate your spending for the last month and multiply the resulting sum by six. You will need to set aside money supply by about six months normal life. If you want to save, it is not a reason to reduce the amount of savings – even better, they will last for a longer period.
Providing the rear, you can move on to finding a new job. If you want to dedicate ourselves to something completely new, be ready that you will need to obtain additional knowledge. Note that in the thirty years to study much harder than in youth, so you need to be fully confident in their abilities. Try to start learning their future profession even before firing – this can be done through evening courses, enrolling in College correspondence courses or find a course online.
To start from scratch in 30 years is psychologically quite difficult, as close to you in your new job will be working for people much younger than you. It is likely that you will have to obey the person who is several years younger, and this may be cause for additional stress. You should not worry much due to the fact that your boss is younger than you, think of it as additional incentive to accelerate its advance up the career ladder.
If you don't fully understand the nuances of your future work, you can donate their vacation, spending it in the introduction to a new sphere of activity. To negotiate with the prospective employer about the unpaid internship it's possible, and you will get a new experience without losing your current place.
Going back home, try to maintain good relations with the former authorities. There is a possibility that a new job you don't like it, so don't burn all the bridges, depriving themselves of the opportunity to return to their previous career track. Even if you do not get to take the former position, you at least can count on a good recommendation.