How to remove scar at home

If you are injured, and there was the risk of getting a scar, especially in the open area of the body – measures should be taken as soon as possible until the scar was not yet developed. This is especially true of burns. The home kit should always be ointment containing depanthenol, which prevents the formation of scar tissue. For the formed scars there are a number of effective home remedies.

Aloe juice with honey and vitamins A and E helps with the "fresh" skin injuries, prevents scar formation, and minimizes the risk of shallow scars. One teaspoon of aloe juice, mix with the contents of a capsule of vitamin "Aevit, add some honey for a creamier consistency, and apply to the scar. Cover with cloth and allow to soak in. Balance and remove after 15 minutes. Apply the mixture should be 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Blue clay is a wonderful healing tool by itself or in combination with olive oil, honey, various essential oils. Prevents tissue scarring, reduces existing scars. Clay (or mixture) is applied on pochivshy the wound or the scar, leave for 10-15 minutes, rinse. Repeat procedure 3-4 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Nutmeg with any cream and honey – an effective tool that can help remove the scar even deeper. In order to make it to cook, mix powdered nutmeg with your favorite cream in a ratio of 1:3 and add a little honey. Apply the mixture on the scar and hold for half an hour, no covering, and then remove. The tool "works" immediately. The first results will be noticeable in 2-3 weeks.

Crushed dried melon seeds have strong regenerating properties. A particularly effective mixture of seeds combined with olive oil and crushed egg shell. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is applied on the scar and leave it for an hour. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 weeks. The scar should shrink in size and become virtually invisible.

Of the available pharmaceutical drugs good healing properties of the ointment Vishnevsky. For getting rid of scar, you can prepare the following mixture: a teaspoon of honey, same amount of cream and half a teaspoon of vodka. The mixture should be spread on a cabbage leaf, apply to the scar and to fix the bandage on for half an hour. Remnants of the mixture is most convenient to remove with tonic or lotion to remove makeup.

Unfortunately, home is not always possible to completely get rid of scars. Sometimes only manages to make them less noticeable. Radical for getting rid of scars, better to turn to professionals.

Professional methods of getting rid of scars

Modern cosmetology has at its disposal a set of techniques designed to help get rid of scars. It is primarily various types of chemical peels: superficial glycolic and multifruit, deep phenolic and median TCA peels, as well as correction of scars with fillers such as hyaluronic acid. The most effective technique recognized as laser resurfacing.