Use oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in vitamins C, E, PP, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, fiber, antioxidants, amino acids and easily digestible proteins. This herbal product helps to reduce blood sugar levels, normalization of stool, improve the motility, excretion of toxins from the body and also weight loss.

As a therapeutic agent oatmeal is used for anemia, stomach diseases, nervous fatigue, a weakened immune system and reducing blood sugar levels.

Oatmeal for weight loss

100 grams of oatmeal contains about 120 calories. In the composition of oatmeal contains approximately 15% protein and 5% fat. Due to slowly digestible carbohydrates, the structure of the oats that have a tendency to swell, the feeling of satiety lasts for a long time.

To prepare porridge for weight loss of oatmeal, take 1 Cup of flour and pour it in the evening with 2 cups of warm water. Mix thoroughly and leave at room temperature overnight. In the morning received the amount of cereal divide into 6 portions and eat every 2 hours. Other foods on this diet are prohibited. Stick it in a period of 3-14 days. The addition of sugar, honey and fruit in the cereal is not acceptable.

The drawback of this diet is that the food is absolutely tasteless and to use it you need time. In addition, during the diet may cause slight dizziness and weakness. If such will take place, it is necessary to abandon this method of weight loss.

Recipe with oatmeal

For making jelly on oatmeal the oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of oatmeal dissolve in 0.5 cups of cold milk. Then, in 1 Cup of boiled milk enter the mixture so that no lumps formed. The resulting jelly, add to taste honey or sugar.

To make cookies out of oatmeal, 0.5 kg of oatmeal enter 1 egg and 250 grams of vegetable oil. Mix and dilute a small amount of warm water. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper, spoon put on one of his cookies and put in a preheated 180 degree oven. Bake for 20 minutes.

Include in the diet with one of the suggested dishes, you are not only able to normalize weight, but also significantly improves the overall condition of the body, hair, nails and skin, and increase immunity and mood.