Why mother-in-law reaches into someone else's family?

If you are tired of the fact that the mother-in-law is constantly interfering in your problems and gives you different advice, first you need to figure out what the cause of her behavior. It is unlikely it does so from the fact that wishes you harm. Just all her life she raised their son, raise him a real man, surrounded with warmth and care, and then suddenly his life was you, and now her son has no longer spending time with his beloved mother. The reasons for such behaviour can lie in the mother's jealousy, or just excessive concern about your already adult boy.

How to cope with mother-in-law?

If you have realized that triggers a flurry of activity in your mother-in-law, it's time to politely and culturally to put her in her place.

For starters, just try to openly talk heart to heart with your mom and beloved wife. Explain to her that you will in any case do not want to harm her son, you know how she worries about him and loves him, but you love him no less. Convey to her that you and her share the same goals, so you better not act against each other, and to unite their forces and move together in one direction.

If your good and honest conversations all the same I don't have the expected result, is to act differently. Get over yourself mother-in-law and prove that you are actually - not so bad as it seems. Try as much as possible to adapt to the situation. Behave with her son the way she would act around him. Surround him with attention and care, constantly ask his mother's advice concerning a particular situation. Ask her to teach you to cook or share with you other useful skills. Make her feel irreplaceable. So she needs to know that you are willing to listen to her and really respect her feelings and her opinion.

If even with this little trick the world into your home is completely restored, try to make her understand what it's like to be in your place. Also get into her personal family matters and relationship with her husband with their advice, try to advise her how to behave in a given situation. Moreover, it should be done carefully, but still a bit Intrusive. Over time, a curious mother-in-law needs to realize his mistake and try to stop interfering in your personal life.