In the XVIII century there appeared Russian translations of Shakespeare. Even the Empress Catherine II in 1786, did his translations. The first Russian translator of Shakespeare is considered to be A. I. Cronenberg (1814-1855). The play "hamlet" in his translation for a long time did not descend from theatrical scenes, and even in more recent translations have inserted it the most successful monologues.
One of the most famous interpreters of Shakespeare was Appolon Grigoryev (1822-1864) – Russian poet and literary critic, the author of the words to the famous song "Two guitars, zazvenel..." and "Oh, talk to me..."
The most famous of the later translations of Shakespeare belong to Vasily Garbely (1790-1870) and modest Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1850-1916) – the younger brother of the great Russian composer.
Translations of Samuil Marshak (1887-1964) have become a real classic. For the translation of Shakespeare's sonnets he was even awarded the Stalin prize of second degree in 1949. Marshak was able to convey in his translations of Shakespeare's ideology, the spirit of his poetry.
Alexander M. Finkel (1899-1968) was known as the author of the theory of literary translation. He made a translation of all 154 sonnets of Shakespeare, but, unfortunately, their publication has faced significant challenges. At that time publishers were afraid to encroach on the monopoly of Marshak. After 10 years, his work has finally become available to readers.
The translation of Shakespeare performed by Boris Leonidovich Pasternak (1890-1960) won an honorable place in the history of Russian translations. Only translation of the tragedy "hamlet" took Pasternak for over 30 years. He did the work with great care, some of the monologues even corresponded with Pasternak 5-6 times. Such persistence and scrupulousness of the author was appreciated. It is the translation of Boris Pasternak has been used in theatrical and cinematic productions of "hamlet".
Izhevsk poet Vladimir Yakovlevich Captin (1940) was awarded commendations from Queen Elizabeth II for his book "Translations of Shakespeare's sonnets". Experts in the field of linguistics recognized that Captino managed to make the most accurate and vivid translation of English poetry into Russian language.
In the 90-ies of the last century, there is a whole series of complete translations of Shakespeare's sonnets. The authors of the translations: Sergey Stepanov, Andrey Kuznetsov, Alexey Berdnikov, Ignatius, Ivanovo, Faith Terzieva.