Most likely, you long and diligently taught that to have your own desires and want to live for myself - Terry selfishness. You used to constantly sacrifice themselves for the sake of someone's good mood. Take a clean sheet of paper and write down ten of their desires. They should belong only to you, not your parents, friends or husband. Consider whether there is in them something bad, would they to hurt anyone? Unless you would have been worse if they came true?
With rare exception, the families cultivated the suppression of women's emotions. Women's anger is considered a completely inappropriate phenomenon, and from the cradle, women are told that they must be gentle and patient. Recognize that you have a right to feelings and emotions. Allow yourself to Express your feelings, for example, during an argument say, or write about what annoyed and angry.
To yourself you have a lot of requirements, but to others? How often do you suffer a boring company, boring conversations, bad coffee, draft? Learn how to directly and openly to talk about what you don't like. Confidently refuse not offerings. Nothing bad will happen. Do not tolerate rudeness in relation to itself, learn to fight back with witty phrases that are appropriate to the situation. Stop being too good is to set boundaries and not let anyone else to cross them.
Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Parents always easier to criticize for mistakes than to praise for achievements, so the "good girls" live with the eternal fear of disappointing those who are close. Try all that attractive, do not pay attention to criticism, stop to mourn the old relationship and start a new one. We all make mistakes, they won't make you worse. In addition, the experience is priceless.
Often give yourself time, be it beauty treatments, hobby, walk, or sleep. To make close people happy, only having been filled with happiness the most. No job on all the things at work and at home, they never end, thus feeding your guilt. Learn to accept help. Not solve the problem of family and friends in the material or temporal detriment.