Division of the root orchids
This method is most frequently used at home, suitable for most orchids. Delinkage root, grow and multiply Cattleya, Cymbidiums, paphiopedilum. The roots of these orchids is divided so that each part should have left 2-3 pseudobulb. An important condition for successful breeding in this way is the age of the Orchid, the plant should be large and sprawling.
Gently lift the plant above the pot, gently shake, so that the roots are freed from the substrate. Shears or a knife cut the rhizome, leaving at each site at least 2 pseudobulb, it is best to leave 3. To divide into smaller parts is undesirable as it will have to wait very long for a full-fledged plants. Sections to prevent disease immediately sprinkled with powdered charcoal. Each separated piece of root planted separately in a pot with fresh substrate. Lot to throw them out is not necessary, better twice a day to spray until you see a full roots and leaves is a sign that the plant has adapted and will survive.
Subject to all of the terms accustomed delence of the root Orchid will turn into a full plant and will bloom in the same season. Orchids often share a similar way during the transplant, if the roots in the pot became too small and new pseudobulb already stick out from the substrate. Old Bulba have faded orchids can be separated and planted separately, maintaining optimal humidity and temperature below 20oC. It is simply laid on the surface of the substrate, not buried in it. After a while of kidneys on the basis Bulba hatch young plants that already have their own roots, they are separated and planted in pots. Oncidiums and Cymbidiums reproduce by this method the best.
Saving the orchids
Orchid, which for some reason remained without leaves a lot to be desired. But to carry it to the dustbin is not the time for her health and life can quite successfully compete. If the plant is brought from the store, you need to remove it from the pot, shake the roots with substrate and put on 30-40 minutes in a bowl of water pooled at room temperature. During this time, the live roots are saturated with water and will be strikingly different appearance and volume of the dead which immediately removed with a sharp knife, pripudrivania slices charcoal or cinnamon.
The remains of the stem also neatly trimmed with a knife to living tissue, damage similar to falling asleep root. Then put the Orchid in a clear pot with a substrate and covered with a package, winding every 2-3 days. On the remains of the trunk near the roots almost always have a rudimentary growing point that in favorable conditions aktiviziruyutsya during the month. To resuscitate orchids with only one root and ruined the main point of growth takes from one to six months, depending on its General condition and vitality.
These orchids are in any case impossible to feed and to move from place to place is strictly prohibited. Their "water" once a month usual for orchids by immersing the pot in a bowl of water for half an hour. After this 10 minutes the pot is left in the bath for draining excess water, then sent to place.