You will need
  • - pot;
  • - drainage;
  • - fertilizer for houseplants;
  • - humidifier.
With colors buy the appropriate variety of the orchids substrate for transplantation. If you wish to have your plant blooming as long as possible, purchase orchids with buds. If the outside temperature is below 16 degrees, the delicate Orchid should be taken home, Packed in paper or polyethylene.
Water orchids only when the soil in the pot completely dry out. Be careful: the substrate dries unevenly. Often it turns out that the top layer is already completely dry, and in the middle of the pot is still wet. To determine the time of the next irrigation, it is necessary to remember the approximate weight of a just watered pot and water the Orchid when the capacity becomes half easier. You can also lightly dig the top layer of soil to check how wet the inside.
Water orchids only warm water and soft. Before this water is necessary to defend at least a day. Excess liquid when watering needs to flow out of the pot, as water stagnation leads to rotting of the roots of the flower. Watering orchids better in the first half of the day.
When growing orchids, use a drainage layer of solid pieces of bark, expanded clay or foam on the bottom of the pot, which will help to avoid water stagnation. In the period of active growth when weather is clear, fertilize the Orchid with a weak solution of fertilizer for houseplants.
Flowers need fresh air, but avoid drafts. In winter, when included in the apartments heating and air-dry, use humidifiers.