You will need
  • - celery;
  • - fennel;
  • - lemon;
  • - carrot;
  • - beets;
  • - ginger root;
  • - ice;
  • - olive oil;
  • - spinach;
  • - green apples;
  • - mineral water without gas;
  • - pineapple;
  • - celery stalks.
Under statements of physicians, the juice is not only refreshing delicious drink, but also therapeutic and prophylactic. It is therefore very important to observe the rules of preparation and consumption of this drink. Otherwise, you can instead use to cause substantial harm to the health. Don't overdo the carrot juice, it can lead to the appearance of specific jaundice. Beta-carotene in large numbers put a strain on the liver. It is recommended to drink the juice from the root two to three times a week. Pomegranate juice it is better to dissolve with water, as it is aggressive effect on dental enamel. Do not drink grapefruit juice for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
If you are going to cook at home fresh, you must select only fresh and Mature fruit, not rotten or damaged. Selected vegetables and fruits wash thoroughly under running water, root crops, it is recommended to soak in warm water for ten minutes. Then remove the skin, seeds, buds and stems. As equipment you'll need a juicer, a cutting Board and the knife, which must be perfectly clean.
Vegetable juice will satisfy not only adults but also children. For its preparation you will need a quarter of the celery, half the fennel, half of a medium lemon, one medium carrot, beet and ginger root (two inches). Thoroughly wash and clean the listed ingredients. Run them through the juicer. Pour the resulting composition into a glass and add some ice cubes. Drink immediately after preparation (through a straw), because nutrients are stored in the Frechet not longer than twenty minutes (preferably half an hour before meals). To vitamins are better absorbed by the body, can be added to drink a teaspoon of olive oil.
A wonderful choice for a hot day can be a green summer fresh, home-cooked. Run through the juicer a bunch of spinach, two medium green Apple and a few carrots (vegetables and fruits pre-washed and peel, seeds). Dilute the juice in half with mineral water without gas. Pour into glasses, add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a few ice cubes.
The following recipe fresh delicious, healthy and refreshing. To make it press through the juicer one medium pineapple (peeled and core), a couple of medium carrots and three stalks of celery. Thoroughly mix the juice with a tablespoon of grated on a fine grater ginger root. Drink immediately fresh.