If you have a regular digital camera. Flash removed in the settings. Sometimes this is even a special button. Cannot detect? Refer to the instructions for your model of camera. If this is not possible, and the camera continues to shoot with the flash, turn off auto. Can shoot in manual mode, but then the light settings have to configure yourself. If you are unfamiliar with it, it is better not to risk staff, and to learn it later. Your camera probably has a mode of shooting without a flash is necessary for shooting in museums and places like that.
If you have a SLR or advanced digital with the rising flash, the problem is solved easier. However, it may be another problem as the flash close. On most models it just retracts flick of the wrist down. Mode shooting without a flash is present for sure is he and include. However, the owners of such a camera should be able to put the settings in manual mode. Last on the camera designated as "A", "M", "R".
Want to shoot in auto mode? Learn the settings the camera. In the menu you'll find a paragraph about the outbreak. You need to turn off "auto flash" or "Auto-enable flash". In some models, the flash setting is displayed when you press the button with the lightning bolt.
What if the photo is already done and only now it became clear that the outbreak here was clearly out of place? To get rid of the consequences. Use the graphical editor. Best of all, of course, choose photoshop. In the last - CS5 has a function to remove glare from the flash. In the more early models, the methods can be very different. The lessons you can find on the Internet. To correct red-eye that occurs in flash photography, the special tool is in all versions of photoshop.