You will need
  • - doxycycline;
  • - metronidazole or trichopolum;
  • - fluconazole or Flucostat;
  • - tsiprolet or cifre;
  • - BIFI-forms;
  • - the vitamins;
  • - oral contraceptives.
Abortion at any stage is always a stress for the female body. Because abortion is a complex and very painful process, which had to endure the woman during and after medical intervention. After the operation the doctor is mandatory in order to avoid complications after the abortion assigns the meds, that should help the body to recover and prevent the development of possible inflammation.
The number of required medicines, which help to protect the woman's body from penetration of infections that cause inflammation, powerful antibiotics and antimicrobials such as doxycycline, metronidazole and fluconazole. They're affordable, however, one should remember that the cheapest drugs are often seriously hit by the liver and other vital organs. But at the same time they are very effective, and therefore are appointed in most cases of abortion. However, with strict observance of all recommendations of the doctor the negative effects of the drugs can be avoided.
Doxycycline is a powerful antibiotic, it should start to drink immediately after an abortion. Taking the drug twice a day, 100 mg or 0.1 g (1 capsule) after meal. But you can drink it no longer than 7 days. Usually enough for 5 days.
In combination with doxycycline you should also take antimicrobial metronidazole or trichopolum, which is prescribed in the prevention of the development of various infections after surgery. Dosage is usually two tablets (250 mg each) a day, three times a day. It is better to drink water or milk.
On the fifth day of taking the drugs required a single application of fluconazole or Flucostat, which will help preserve vaginal flora and prevent the development of thrush and other infections.
Also, the doctor may prescribe other antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory number, including nystatin and analgin-quinine. Of the drugs of the current generation are recommended tsifran or tsiprolet. They should take two tablets a day for 5 days. On the fifth day after abortion drink pill Flucostat. You should then deal with the microflora. To do this, use capsules BIFI-forms - 2 pieces a day. To restore the hormonal levels can be immediately the first day after an abortion to begin receiving micro-dose oral contraceptives, for example, novinite. Their drink is OK follows the scheme.
To maintain the body in generally start taking vitamin preparations, include in your diet fresh fruits and vegetables, natural juices.