You will need
  • - passport,
  • - 4 pictures
  • - information on health,
  • - the petition of the district,
  • - the conclusion of the internal Affairs at the place of residence.
Before purchasing weapons for self defense you need to educate yourself on the gun laws, the articles of the Russian Criminal code, as well as rules of storage, carrying and use of a handgun, knowledge of which will be required when writing the statement at the place of residence of the future owner "in trauma."
For the licensing division, ATC will need a statement written in a certain form with the obligatory indication of passport data and such information about the applicant, as the registration address and actual residence, the marital status, data on the presence/absence of criminal record, etc.

You will need photocopies of passport and 4 photographs of a standard size of 3 to 4 cm.
Medical certificate according to the standard form 046 may be obtained at the local district and the private licensed clinic, where a special medical Board, however, for its issuance specialist institutions will require the official certificate from psychoneurological and narcological dispensary health applying for this document type of customer.
Remember to bring your receipt of payment of the statutory fees and report your district of your commitment to proper storage, Wasps, loyalty and "sanity" on the form provided by the police Department.
After the adoption of the above list of ten document and consideration of written application the applicant is entitled to the issuance of licenses for the possession and acquisition of weapons for self-defense, after which you and pass the exam on the knowledge of the previously mentioned laws and regulations, you can go to a specialty store for the purchase of the Wasp.
Purchased a gun immediately (in the next two weeks after purchase) to register in the licensing Department of the internal Affairs at the place of residence. Do not forget the mandatory requirements associated with the storage of any type of weapons in the home, these include acquisition and installation of a safe or metal box.