What a traumatic gun?

This type of weapon is not an immediate mortal danger to humans (except for especially serious cases). That is why in English-speaking countries it is called "non-lethal weapons." Travmatika is used to temporarily incapacitate people or animals. If necessary, a traumatic gun can protect against aggressive and illegal action against its owner.

We must remember that "lethal weapon" still can cause death, even if not intentional. To buy the traumatic gun, you must obtain a special permit (license). To do this, follow the same procedure as that for obtaining a firearms or hunting weapons.

How to buy the traumatic gun?

License. You first need to obtain a special medical certificate sample 046-1. For this you need to pay in the branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation the receipt for the licence for the traumatic weapon. After that, you must come to the police station at the place of residence and write the application in Department of licensing and regulatory work (OLRR). At itself it is mandatory to have a passport and one photocopy.

Next, you need to collect a package of documents: the relevant information (from the psycho - and narcological dispensary), application for permit carrying of the traumatic weapon, a photocopy of your passport, a black and white matte photos 3x4 format in 4 pieces and report of the precinct on the inspection conditions of storage beanbag gun at home (safe Deposit box). The last item involves the purchase of a safe and certain its location in the house (apartment).

All these papers need to give ARR at his residence. Since then, the application for the purchase and wearing of traumatic weapons will be treated for 10 days. At the end of this period the staff of OLR will be made a decision on the license issuance or refusal. Refusal to issue a license shall be formally submitted in writing.

If the decision to issue a license to carry a traumatic weapon was granted, the applicant will have to pass exams on knowledge of the storage, use and wearing of traumatic weapons. If the exam has been passed successfully, the license must be issued in 30 days. Practice shows that the license may be issued later (for objective reasons).

Buy a traumatic gun. The purchase can only be done with the already received at the hands license. The permit is valid for 5 years. This means that the purchase of gun (and other traumatic weapons) can be done at any time of the term of the license. After the purchase is necessary for Crescent to register their weapons in OLR at Department of internal Affairs at the place of residence.

Was the gun assigned a personnel number, which is stored in personal observation. From this moment begins the calculation time of possession travmatiki.