You will need
  • - seeds of garlic;
  • - fertilizer.
Cultivated generally two types of garlic – spring and winter. The most common winter crops. Spring is grown in the Northern regions, where podzimny crops freeze.
Varieties of garlic are strelkauskas and normal. Strelkauskas plant species only for the winter, because spring planting give a bad harvest. Culture propagated by cloves and seeds – bulbectomy air-bulbils formed on the end of the peduncle (arrow) after ripening.
When planting a teeth choose a head, whose diameter is not less than 25 mm. Divide them into cloves and sort by size. Can be planted and bulbs-single bulbils diameter greater than 10 mm. propagation cloves in plants accumulate disease, with time, the garlic degenerates, so every few years to update the seed. For this purpose, use aerial bulbs.
In well-developed plants Express arrows-stalks, on which grow small bulbs. The Mature plant, when the sheath will crack heads with seeds remove along with the bulb and hands, wipe dry. Store at temperature from +20 to +25 degrees.
Ready the flower bed for autumn sowing of garlic in the summer, keep it fallow. In 14-15 days before planting, make fertilizer: 300 grams of ash, 7 kg of compost, 50 g of superphosphate and potassium sulfate per 1 square meter.
Planted garlic in the fall bullocki together with lobules. Time calculate so that they have taken root, but had sprouted. In the garden make the grooves, put them in the planting material is crown down, sprinkle the earth, lightly tamp. In the spring, shoots appear, remove from the beds of weeds.
There is another method of growing garlic from seed, facilitating summer planting care. Prepared area with wet Newspapers over mulch in 2-3 layers. Make a hole in them, arranged in rows. In these holes and planted bullocki, on top of paper sprinkle a thin layer of soil. Under a mulch, the weeds will die, and those that will break in a month and a half, will already be not afraid of young plants of garlic.