Penicillins are a group of antibacterial drugs that are widely used for the treatment of most uncomplicated forms of gonorrhea. Drugs of this series can be assigned in the form of tablets or injection for intramuscular injection. As tablets are used "Ampiox" and "Oxacillin", the dosage is one tablet 3-5 times a day for a designated doctor course (about 5 days). Also doctors often prescribed "Bitsillin", "Economically" and "Ampicillin".
In some cases, in addition to the above drugs can be prescribed immunotherapy, which consists in intramuscular injections of special gonovaccine.
For the treatment of infections that do not respond to the antibiotic penicillin, may be prescribed tetracycline, and sulfa antibiotics. In some cases, there may be used a combination of drugs to achieve better therapeutic effect.
Doctors often prescribe such remedies as "Buscado", "Doxycycline", "Doksal", "Zinacef", "Input", "Katie", "Co-trimoxazole". These antibiotics are often used for treatment of opportunistic diseases caused by gonococci, for example, purulent urethritis or prostatitis.
In acute gonorrhea are written "Pipex", "Paracin", "Politics", "Norilet", "Renor". For the treatment of severe forms of the disease can be assigned "Ciplox", "Hemoxin Solutab", "Ciprinol", "Ciprofloxacin".
For the treatment of pregnant women is prohibited, most of these drugs. Good efficacy in treatment of infection during pregnancy is "Spectinomycin". In some cases, permitted the use of "Amoxicillin", "Cefixime" and "Ceftriaxone". Recent medical studies have shown that during the period of treatment, these drugs also did not cause severe complications.
"Chloramphenicol" can also be applied for treatment failure therapy drugs penicillin. For getting rid of gonococcal infections possible use of drugs, the macrolides ("Erythromycin", "Oletetrin"). "Monomitsin" and "Kanamycin" is particularly active against gonococci, but their application can be problematic due to the large number of side effects that can occur as a result of admission.