In the first months of a child's life pediatricians recommend to change a disposable diaper at least every 2-3 hours. This will help prevent the appearance of redness, diaper rash and diaper dermatitis.
If the baby poops immediately change the diaper, even if you put it in just a few minutes ago. The stool can irritate the skin of the newborn, and in girls and cause damage to the delicate tissues of the genitals. Don't forget to take a walk replacement diapers and wet baby wipes. In the summer time to change the baby right on the street. If you walk in cold weather, try to find a place to change the baby diaper. For example, you can use the services of a room mother and child in the nearby shopping centre. If not, you better go home and change clothes of the child.
Don't change the diaper before feeding the baby. In the first six months of life, many babies poop while eating or directly after it. Feed the child, hold him for 10 minutes on his hands, and then change clothes. This way you will be able to reduce the consumption of disposable diapers.
No need to Wake baby at night to change his diaper. Usually the babies themselves waking up several times a night to eat. If the baby poops, change his diaper. If not, you can wait until morning. This is especially true for moms practicing co-sleep with a child. Women feed the baby lying down, not getting out of bed. Many moms say that you Wake up at feeding time just a few seconds to help the baby to take the breast. If you realize that the baby's diaper is clean, you do not need to Wake up and change it for a new one.
If, in spite of frequent diaper changes, your baby still have redness on the skin, change the brand of products used. At each dressing of the child tempted by the water, and if the child did a Poo, wash your ass with soap. Then possibly give the baby to lie without a diaper for 10-15 minutes. When changing the diaper, the newborn's skin should be dry or almost dry. If not, use the powder before you put on a clean diaper and try to replace the brand of the product. If the baby's skin is left blemish, use a cream that contains panthenol, or a special rash cream. When persistent lesions persisting for more than 2 days, consult a pediatrician.