The imbalance

Many people complain that they can't gather the nerves in a box, to hold back, to keep balance and not to inflame the looming conflict, to get rid of feelings of nervousness and anxiety, or "recover" after emotional shock, stress. The circumstances that provoke emotion, life is more than enough: exams, interviews for employment, conclusion of important transactions, clarify the relationship with the boss or a loved one... but you never know the things in life that can bring us out of balance. Unbalanced person might explode and say the wrong thing, cry, make inappropriate act, which then comes to regret - and thereby spoil not only the impression about yourself, but it may close some opportunities.

There are two ways to overcome emotional crises. The first is to restrain the emotions, not the best, as suppressing emotions in themselves, we risk to accumulate within a critical mass of negativity, and there is a real emotional explosion. The second is to learn to control himself and to dominate their emotions. This way more productive.

Take care of yourself

It is important to understand the impact of emotional breakdown. One person breaks down on the aggression, the second one suddenly starts to cry, the third - lost for words. You should carefully examine your own reactions and to construct the situation in such a way to protect themselves in the eyes of others. So, feeling emotions begin to spiral out of control, make sure that the consequences of emotional outburst did not affect your career, don't ruin your public speech, I introduced you to a sense of shame or embarrassment in front of witnesses your weaknesses.

Cope with fatigue

Emotional control is weakened when a person is tired. Should not accumulate fatigue, to deal with it. Allow yourself to relax, regroup, treat yourself to something nice. Camping, party with trusted friends or a shopping trip for a pleasant shopping will help switch the energy on positive things and reduce the risk of emotional distress with negative consequences. Helps physical work, just don't forget that physical activity should be fun. During a break or vacation get the strengthening of the nervous system. For this, you may need to practice meditation, yoga, and sports exercises. Will not interfere with walks, during which you can, for example, collecting rocks or taking pictures. Don't forget that creativity heals. Remember neglected hobby, read a book that is long delayed you for reading. Sit by the water, free from obsessive thoughts, listen to the birds singing or just watch the fish in the aquarium.

Breathe deeply

If you feel that you attracted the stress, stop, take a comfortable position, relax, breathe deeply and slowly breathe in, try to get rid of haste. No need to be afraid to be late - remember that your peace of mind - the key to efficiency in any job. Analyze your own emotions: try to understand what knocks you off track, what is the trigger for emotions. You should not skimp on time if you want to dedicate it to "restore order" in. Clear thought - a guarantee that emotions will overwhelm you suddenly. Allow the emotions and thoughts in a state of harmony will help favorite music. Shouldn't be listening in critical situations is something new. Well work relaxing and familiar music, it will remove the stress and emotions will return to normal.

Don't be afraid to go to a therapist

If the emotions control you manage all the worse, and the suppression of emotion damper on your mood, besides, you are confused and can't calm down on their own, and bursts of adrenaline inside plunge you into a state of melancholy or fear - you should think about visiting psychologist, psychotherapist. Professional will help you to understand the intricacies of cause and effect, to remember the forgotten nervous shocks, and heavy experiences, to experience them consciously and to leave them. By the way, the role the therapist can play a reliable friend. Of course, you can rely on in these matters and your loved one, but it is fraught with consequences. Close, loving people - impressionable, and if you "load" such a person - relationships can suffer, and the feelings of embarrassment and guilt to push you away from the one who became for you a "vest". However, if you and a loved one there is unconditional trust and intimacy - you can even give vent to tears. Cry it out, you will release your mind from unnecessary emotions.