To Alushta direct flight by bus

To Alushta transit flight, you can get from such Russian cities as Krasnodar, Novorossiysk and Stavropol. From Krasnodar from the Central bus station daily at 21:00 and 22:35 on even days the bus with direction Krasnodar - Yalta. 10:35 the following day, the transport remains at the station of Alushta. Tickets are an average of 1500 R.

From the bus station in Novorossiysk the bus to Alushta daily at 09:00. Journey time is 10 hours and 10 min. From Stavropol on certain days the bus runs message Stavropol - Sevastopol travel to Alushta. The exact time and day of departure should call the bus station +7(8652) 23 47 41, +7 (8652) 23 47 24.

To Alushta on the bus to get from Simferopol, Yalta, Evpatoria, Sevastopol, fishing, Yalta, Kherson, Donetsk and other nearby big cities.

On the plane to Alushta

Quickly get to Alushta will help the plane to Simferopol. From Moscow departures carry airport "Sheremetyevo" and "Domodedovo". The flight lasts 2 hours 50 minutes the Cost of tickets varies from 4600 to 10,000 R. R. in economy class. Every day dozens of planes depart to the city of Simferopol. To see when the nearest flight and book a ticket, you should call the numbers +7 (495) 933 66 66 ("Domodedovo") and +7 (800) 100 65 65 ("Sheremetyevo").

From St. Petersburg to fly to Simferopol airport is 4 hours 30 minutes Tickets are on average 10 000 p. All questions about the cruise you can learn at +7 (812) 337 38 22.

From Simferopol to Alushta everyday day and night with the headway from 5 minutes to 1 hour buses, taxis and trolleybuses.

To Alushta on the train

Nearby railway station is also located in Simferopol. To this town of trains going from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vorkuta, Arkhangelsk, Perm, Kirov and Kotlas. The schedule of trains, cost of tickets can be found at the single reference phone +7 (800) 775 00 00. The call is free for all operators.

Before the recent political developments in Ukraine, to Alushta and Simferopol was transport from Kiev. Now all flights cancelled. About the resumption of flights you need to know on reference phones, or directly to the dispatcher services, stations and airports. Definitely in this beautiful southern city is worth visiting at least once in your life!