Make sure that the Internet connection is active. Launch the web browser and type in the address bar the name of the resource Wait until will not be loaded the main page of the mail service. In special fields in the upper left corner, enter your login and password for user authorization and click "Log in" to access your mailbox.
Go to the top of the control panel of the mailbox where the tab "More". Click on it and select the link "Help". It is from here that deletes the mailbox. Fan page help center down, you'll see item No. 11, which is called "How to remove a mailbox that I no longer need?". Go to the special interface to delete the mailbox by clicking on the adjacent link with the appropriate name.
Select the form removal, which is located in a "special interface", and fill in the fields according to the specified instructions. Specify the reason you want to remove your mailbox, for example, "Check new email", "spam Protection", etc. Click Remove to complete the removal process of your e-mail.