Bread is a source of vitamins and minerals

Bread is rich in Riboflavin, Niacin, thiamine, Biotin and other b vitamins, and many of them are presented in a form of absorption, which is rare to find in other products. B vitamins can have an impact on the regulation of the functions of the nervous system and provide protection against stressful situations, so a complete rejection of the consumption of bread increases the risk of neurological diseases and depressive States. Temper, fatigue, irritability and tearfulness – all this may indicate a deficiency of b vitamins Bread contains vitamin E, necessary for regulation of DNA synthesis and stabilization of red blood cells and muscle tissue. Besides, it is a powerful antioxidant, prevents premature aging of cells.

Bread in considerable quantities are present minerals such as magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, vanadium, manganese, cobalt, etc. it is Characteristic that, for example, vanadium in the free condition in nature does not found, it belongs to the category of dispersed and contained in the earth's crust and in natural sources, and therefore present in few foods. Meanwhile, its role in the human body is extremely significant, because it is an active participant in many reactions, normalizes exchange processes. So just as bread vanadium presented to the most. Know this and don't eat bread simply unreasonable.

Complex carbohydrates

Bread is a carbohydrate product. Depending on the grade it contains 40-50% carbohydrates, and that's what scares people dreaming to lose weight, and diabetics. But with a lack of carbohydrates in the body breaks down the synthesis of serotonin, an important hormone and neurotransmitter of the brain (it is called the pleasure hormone). A deficit of serotonin leads to brain injury and inability to withstand stress. What to do? Nutritionists are unanimous in their recommendations to exclude from the menu of simple carbohydrates and include complex. Simply put, prefer bread, pastries, cakes and cookies. The carbohydrates contained in bread are a difficult. They should not be delayed at the waist, hips and buttocks, layers of fat. But they provide the body with energy, prevent anemia, diabetes and other diseases.

Dietary fiber

Due to the presence of dietary fibers contained in large quantities in the bread from wheat flour, and whole wheat trubna, it is possible to establish normal peristalsis, and at the same time to remove toxins and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. Bread wheat flour does not contain dietary fiber.

What kind of bread is the friend and which the enemy

Today, stores offer a wide range of breads – rye, wheat, bran, whole wheat, with various additives (raisins, sunflower seeds, onions, caraway seeds, malt, sesame seeds), fresh yeast, etc Is the bread and special purpose: iodinated, with increased iron content etc. And there is only one type of bread, which nutritionists do not like. It is a white bread made from wheat flour. In the production of this flour grain is removed from the shell and germ. Remain calories and starch. This bread is a source of "quick" carbs. Yes, it's extremely tasty, it sometimes is... as a treat. And in dried form it is shown as a dietary product in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract due to its lower acidity and easier to digest compared to rye bread.

The undoubted benefits of bread

Bread – all product. Is it necessary, and sometimes it is just necessary. Just keep in mind that under the useful bread means the "right" product. Namely – is made from rye flour or mixtures of rye and wheat. Perfect bread that brings health – whole grain, with bran, with the inclusion of cereals and natural additives (oatmeal and buckwheat cereal, raisins, sunflower seeds). Not by chance on black bread and pure water a person can live long enough without damage to your health.

Limitations in the consumption of bread

In some diseases the use of bread you want to limit (e.g., diabetes), and some to exclude. So, you can not eat bread with celiac enteropathy, because people suffering from it cannot tolerate gluten – a protein found in grains. Contraindicated bread from wheat flour with bran in peptic ulcer disease. Fortunately for patients today, manufacturers produce special breads: gluten-free, diabetic, protein etc.