You will need
Increase the dosage of vitamin C: the immune system needs to cope with the illness.

Warming and massaging the lymph nodes is prohibited. But sometimes the therapist napravlyaet on physiotherapy, which helps. At home you can warm dry heat (linen bag of heated salt or sand), but to impose such a warm "compress" you need only a few minutes, 3-4 treatments per day.
To warm you can gently RUB it into the lymph node camphor oil or alcohol, VapoRub (for example, Vishnevsky, Ichthyol).

Inside use microbicides, for example, Echinacea tincture. 10 drops dissolved in a quarter Cup of water, drink at least 4 times a day.

Signs of an inflamed lymph node:
• Increase in size (from a pea to chicken eggs)
• Redness
• Burning, itching, pain
• Increased body temperature
• General weakness, malaise
• Increase in size (from a pea to chicken eggs)
• Redness
• Burning, itching, pain
• Increased body temperature
• General weakness, malaise
Useful advice
If swollen lymph nodes are concentrated in the upper part of the body (under chin, behind ears, neck), it is likely a sign of infection in the organs located on the head: infectious diseases of the throat, ears.
If swollen lymph nodes are concentrated in the armpits, it may indicate inflammation in the upper body: neck, chest, breats. It is also one of the signs of cancer.
If swollen lymph nodes are concentrated in the groin area - a consequence of hypothermia, suffering acute respiratory disease, gynecological diseases.
In any case, pay attention first of all on the disease itself, and then he takes over the treatment of limfadenopatii.
If swollen lymph nodes are concentrated in the armpits, it may indicate inflammation in the upper body: neck, chest, breats. It is also one of the signs of cancer.
If swollen lymph nodes are concentrated in the groin area - a consequence of hypothermia, suffering acute respiratory disease, gynecological diseases.
In any case, pay attention first of all on the disease itself, and then he takes over the treatment of limfadenopatii.