What should not be part of the purchase of ice cream

If to speak about purchase ice cream-factory production, it is important to pay attention to the composition. Natural ice cream should not be chemical substances, dyes and vegetable fats. Carefully study the composition of ice cream for the presence of palm oil. This is a very cheap and dangerous ingredient that is not processed by the human body, settling in the form of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. The composition of natural ice cream should be free of emulsifiers, oils and TRANS fats. All of these ingredients are harmful to health. Especially should carefully examine the packaging, buying ice-cream to children. TRANS fats, for example, clog the cell membrane of the body, complicating the process of cellular nutrition and elimination of toxins.
Easier at home the most simple ice cream, and then to modify it with additional ingredients to taste.

Natural ice cream must be milk fat (milk or cream) that contains nutrients and vitamins. Natural milk fat is very often replaced with vegetable, because it seriously reduces the cost of the product. Unfortunately, a good non-chemical ice cream to find in regular stores all the more difficult. You can do a search for the correct eco-friendly shops and markets where products are sold with minimal chemical treatment. Typically, these products are much more expensive than those that you can find in conventional stores.
You need to consider that are made without ice cream treat is usually pretty solid, so before use it is necessary to take a little at room temperature.

Homemade versions

However, the easiest way to make real ice cream without the questionable ingredients and additives, and the presence of ice cream done is not necessary, but if you like frozen desserts, the purchase of this unit will bring you a lot of joy. The most simple ice cream, which is suitable for all those people who have chosen vegetarian or vegan lifestyles, this ice cream is based on bananas. To do this, first freeze the fruit and then whip it with a blender. To the banana, you can add honey, sugar syrup, peanut butter. The result is a natural ice cream, which by its consistency will resemble custard. It will not be artificial ingredients, and preparing it simply and without unnecessary red tape.