What kinds of diseases can swell up man

Swelling of the feet – one of the symptoms of several cardiovascular diseases. In this case, in addition to edema formation, often swelling face, skin and lips become pale with a bluish tint.

Also, this phenomenon may be associated with kidney disease. If the result of insufficiently effective functioning of the body deposits excess fluid that can cause edema.

Swelling of the feet can be the consequence of hypertension and vein diseases, including such widespread as varicose veins. In this case, shortly after the onset of swelling under the skin there is a clearly distinguishable capillary mesh and pains. Often the pain syndrome becomes so strong that it's hard to move around.
Swelling of the feet can also be a result of metabolic disorders, allergic reactions.

Because the causes of leg edema of many, and to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment can only a doctor would be wise to seek medical advice.

What else can be caused by swelling of the legs

Often swelling arising in the morning, indicating excessive load on the legs. It happens in those cases, if a person has excess weight, or the kind of work you have to stand for long periods and regularly lift weights. A very common cause of swelling of legs – the uncomfortable tight shoes. If these reasons are summed up and the probability that the feet will swell, increases many times!
This problem is often faced by women, wearing narrow high heel shoes is stiletto.

Cause swelling of the legs may be the abundance of salty foods in the diet or the habit of a drink plenty of fluids. Also swelling is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle, so characteristic of the inhabitants of large cities (especially office workers).

How to get rid of the swelling in such cases? You should find a more comfortable and airy shoes to avoid too heavy loads, to reduce salt intake and drink plenty of fluids, especially before bedtime. Good help warm foot bath with a decoction of herbs, douches, massage of the feet. While people who are overweight should take measures to get rid of extra pounds. In any case it is better to seek qualified help and not to self-medicate. If the cause of the edema is in any disease, to remove the cause impossible.