Toothpaste – the non-standard method of dealing with acne

To combat the rash on the skin, you should use white toothpaste: green color toothpaste is not suitable. In addition, do not apply for these purposes whitening toothpaste: the fact that present in its composition active ingredients can cause skin irritation that will only aggravate the situation.

Efficiency white toothpaste because it contains baking soda, essential oils, triclosan, menthol, alcohol, and other components that reduce inflammation and have a drying effect. It is better if the paste composition will be present in extracts of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, oak bark and other medicinal plants.

Features deal with acne using toothpaste

To get rid of acne, it is recommended using cotton swabs to apply a little white toothpaste on the zit (before the skin should be thoroughly clean, that is, to remove makeup residue and dirt). It is important that the paste does not get into the eyes, otherwise you may experience irritation of the mucous membrane. This "mask" I leave overnight and in the morning wash with warm boiled water.
Rinse the face better than a decoction prepared from the flowers of chamomile or sage.

Usually after the first application of toothpaste, there is a persistent improvement of the skin: reduces redness. Such procedures should be done before full recovery, although it is important not to overdo it, because the constant use of toothpaste can lead to development of dermatitis. That is why using toothpaste to fight pimples is contraindicated in persons with sensitive skin.
If you experience an allergic reaction to the procedure should cease immediately.

When applying this anti-inflammatory drugs, it is important to observe good personal hygiene: before the procedure, hands must be washed, or unwashed hands infection enters on the inflamed skin. When used this toothpaste must not be expired, and cotton swabs must be sterile.

In General, success in the fight against acne maximum with an integrated approach: this means that you need to reconsider your diet (eliminate junk food), to be more in the open air, give up bad habits, engage in moderate physical activity etc. If the domestic methods of dealing with acne will be ineffective, you should seek help from a qualified dermatologist or cosmetologist.