Features a vanilla color

The use of such a light colored interior allows you to visually expand the space. Due to the fact that vanilla does not irritate the eyes, it can be used in areas for relaxation or work: in the bedroom, living room, bathroom. In this case it is better to make the main color, for example, use vanilla Wallpaper.
This color got its name from the vanilla, the flowers of which have a unique and very delicate pale yellow color.

Clothing vanilla color creates the illusion of purity, lightness and refinement. It is particularly suitable for spring and summer wardrobe. Things vanilla colors look best on people with dark skin, but others can also wear this shade, but vanilla should be an afterthought in the ensemble.

Another feature of this color is that it needs the contrast, that is, in properly selected him to the dark colours. Otherwise, vanilla will look faceless.

Colors combined with vanilla

Vanilla looks particularly impressive in combination with the color of dark chocolate. This combination is acceptable in clothing and in the interior. People with dark skin is sufficient to dilute the vanilla dress or suit chocolate accessories. The owners of very fair skin should prefer the clothes in which the principal is a chocolate color. In the interior of the vanilla can be left as the solo and minor. On soft furniture is chocolate brown, for example, will look beautiful with vanilla cushions.

Very advantageous looks, and vanilla with a delicate pistachio colour. This combination looks expensive, stylish, and expresses good taste. Any other shades of green are just not compatible with vanilla.

White can be combined with vanilla only in small amounts. And only if there is some third, contrasting color. It is best to combine white chocolate and vanilla. But this combination is more suitable for interior than for a wardrobe.
But black, despite its versatility, combine with vanilla is not recommended.

Light shade of vanilla can also be combined with a pale olive or muted orange. Such a decision, for example, suitable for the bedroom. It also goes well with gold, that's why along with vanilla, you should find solely gold or copper jewelry. To vanilla clothes will also fit shoes with a Golden color and the same clutch.