16, 17 years in marriage is quite significant numbers. This means that you know each other, it means a lot to the experienced, been through a lot in the past. And even if it's not a round number, it is still worth mentioning.
on the Internet or in other sources you are unlikely to find the traditional name and the customs of these anniversaries. It so happened that long these anniversaries were noted.

On the Internet or in other sources you are unlikely to find the traditional names and customs of these anniversaries. It so happened that long these anniversaries were noted.

But nowadays people don't too pay much attention to the traditions that existed before and still give their names to these anniversaries and celebrate them.

16-th anniversary

As in Russia, this anniversary to note is not accepted, there is no traditional name for this period of time. The ancestors of it had to do with some legend, which is now little known.

But in other countries, such as Germany and the Netherlands decided to celebrate this anniversary. Call it a Topaz wedding. And decided to give for a wedding Topaz and jewelry or with them.

But we need prudence. There is a perception that so called this wedding-to-order jewelry companies, in order to increase sales of jewelry. But this is just a guess.

If you don't believe in any superstitions and want to celebrate this anniversary, no one will forbid you to use the age-old traditions of other countries and to proclaim this wedding Topaz. As the marriage every year stronger, all the more enjoyable to remember how it all began.

17-th anniversary

The situation is similar with the 17th wedding anniversary. In centuries past it was also not customary to celebrate this wedding. But lately, this wedding is often referred to tin. Although there is virtually no evidence that this opinion inclined our ancestors, but in modern society, the majority use this title. And it is from this start when choosing a gift or selecting a scenario of the wedding.

Usually taken at the wedding to give items that will be useful in the home, personal items, accessories, jewelry.

Not round dates most often noted in small family circles or in private. This time you can spend in nature, among trees and singing birds. If the wedding is in the winter, you can sled, play in the snow.

Not round dates most often noted in small family circles or in private. This time you can spend in nature, among trees and singing birds. If the wedding is in the winter, you can sled and play in the snow.

Another option is to take a day trip to the beautiful neighboring town. To see its sights, discover something new and unforgettable.

Despite the fact that the 16-th and 17-th anniversary doesn't have authentic names, it's not a reason to be upset. Unable to come up with its own name and to celebrate this day the way you want.