What foods you can freeze

Restrictions on the composition or type of products simply do not exist. Moreover, some secrets of freezing can actually help the owner to save time and quickly feed an entire family that was previously saved in the freezer. The most typical foods to freeze is fresh fruits and vegetables, which is understandable, because in the season of their production, they have minimal value. But this is not the only possible options. With not smaller success it is possible to freeze not only all the familiar berries, fruits and vegetables and ready meals. For example, if you once fry in butter a mix of carrots and onions, and then freeze it in portions in small containers, the duration of the cooking time of the soup can be effectively reduced by adding a ready peretarka. If desired, you can freeze even a small portion of the broth, which is especially important in cases when you need to quickly boil a small pot of soup.
Similarly, you can freeze your foods, for example, pancakes or dumplings, which for its beneficial properties certainly overtake the store.

How to prepare foods for freezing

If we are talking about fruits or vegetables, it is desirable to minimize the time interval between collecting them from the garden and the workpiece. The shorter it is, the more vitamins retained in the fruit. Before freezing them it is necessary not only to wash but to dry, otherwise there is a risk that pieces of fruit or berries to stick together and form a single monolith, which is just uncomfortable to use. As for ready meals, each of them is also desirable to consider individual packing, for example, wrap each pancake in plastic wrap, and then problems with their subsequent heating will not occur.
Before you freeze food, it makes sense to chop them, especially vegetables that will help maximize ergonomic use of available space the freezer.

How to store frozen products

A lot depends on the temperature in the camera itself. If it is 18 degrees, we can safely store food for six months. At higher temperatures freeze products must not exceed three months, but the question here is not about the adulteration of food, and the preservation of their useful properties. That is, in the absence of re-thawing, the probability that after 6 months of storage of the vegetables or the meat will spoil, minimal, but such will benefit from their use.