Displaying files stored on the Russian language, is usually performed in modes Windows-1251, which stores the Cyrillic character set. Also often is used UTF-8 format, and even less KOI8-R. Data encoding contain the letters of the Russian alphabet and will be automatically defined text editors, browsers and other programs.
When you save the file you can also manually set the encoding of him. If you are not sure how to set encoding, select Unicode. Files saved in this format can be read on any computer where you installed the English or Russian version of the software. Also, Unicode can be enabled and characters from Greek, Arabic, Japanese and other alphabets.
When you open the file in Word to select the default character set, click on the Office button, which is located in the upper left corner of the window. Then click the "Word Options" - "Advanced". In the "General" tab, select "Confirm conversion at open".
Close the program window, and then open in Word need the file again. You will see a dialog where you can choose the desired encoding. Select "text Encoded" or "Other" and then select the desired character set.
To save the document in Word in one of the formats, select "Save as". In the field "file Type" select "plain text". A dialog box will appear "Convert file", where you will be able to choose the required standards for displaying text.
To select the desired set of character in other text editors use the corresponding menu item of the interface program. Often the parameters of the display characters can be set in menu "File", "edit" or "Tools".
Improper display of web pages in the browser window you can also manually select to view the site character set. In Chrome this feature is located under "Tools" - "Encoding". For Firefox this item is located under "Web development" - "Encoding". A similar option is available in Internet Explorer and Opera. Experiment with the suggested options and choose the most appropriate, to maximize the correct display the page text.