In the day you can go to Kolomna. After driving only 100 miles on the Novo-Ryazan highway, you'll be in the city, founded in the XII century. Lovers of history and architecture can visit the Kolomna Kremlin, which includes a lot of interesting buildings: the assumption Cathedral, built in Brusensky women's monastery, the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin convent of the exaltation of the cross and the resurrection of the Church, Pyatnitsky gates. The city has a Museum of pastille, where you can not only taste several kinds of fragrant treats, but also buy any types of dessert. The Museum has the opportunity to dress in period costumes and take pictures. In the store, "Golden beehive", you can try the products of the Kolomna bee plant: wines, balms, honey drinks.
In the day you can go to visit Korney Chukovsky. Only 45 minutes drive along the Kiev highway – and you will find yourself in the village of Peredelkino, where the house-Museum of the famous storyteller. The exposition will be interesting not only for children but also for adults. You will meet with your favorite characters from familiar fairy tales: with Sink and a crocodile reading "Chukokkala". Visitors can see the unique coil, able to fulfill the desires and the bulb from the illustrations to the "Fly-Buzzing". Among other things there is an interesting collection of artifacts: a beautiful tree with fruits-shoes, gown Oxford professors, "barking" Cup, figurine Humpty Dumpty.
310 kilometers from Moscow in the Yaroslavl region is the town of Tutayev, which locals call the Novels. It is a haven of artists and the believers, the city of bell modulations. Tourists can enjoy the beauty of one of the twelve cities included in the Golden ring of Russia. Tutaev famous intercession Church, which had never extinguished the lamp. In the Church there is the miraculous icon "Addition of mind". These people often come with mental disorders, there are cases of miraculous healing. Of particular interest may be the bell factory Nikolai Shuvalov. It made the bells on recipes grandfathers and great grandfathers. The participants of the excursion will tell you why the bells never add silver, why are they buried in the ground, at what stage of production is used for horse manure and kvass wort and how to save your hearing ringers.
If you drive about 230 miles on the Gorky highway, you can be in the town of Gus-Crystal. The small town lies in the midst of impenetrable forests near Meshchersky river Goose. Here in 1756 the merchant Akim Maltsov founded a crystal factory, which is functioning to this day. For several centuries the plant Gus Crystal was considered the first in Russia by the number and quality of dishes. Now Gus ' -Khrustal'nyy can be called Murano Italian and French baccarat. Tourists can visit the stunning Museum of art glass that are seamlessly integrated into the interior of St. George's Cathedral. And the Cathedral itself is unique. It is a monument of architecture and painting of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Museum exposition consists of 13 500 exhibits. Among them are unique, made in single copy, samples, and kits, the products are massively produced in the period from the second half of the 18th century to the present day.