What do you mean latex paint
Strictly speaking, latex is the SAP of plants-rubber, which is a suspension (dispersion) of particles of natural polymer rubber. However, since the cost of paint on a natural basis would be too high for their production using inexpensive synthetic polymers. That is, latex paint – this paint represents a liquid aqueous dispersion of any synthetic polymer.
In such dispersion water does not dissolve the polymer particles, but also prevents them from sticking together. And after dyeing the surface of the water gradually evaporates and particles of the polymer-foaming agent begin to converge and stick together. When there is complete drying, forms a continuous film firmly linked with the surface.
How sustainable is this film to sunlight, temperature extremes and mechanical stress, depends primarily on the properties of the polymer on the basis of which it was prepared.
The most common types of latex paints: polyvinyl acetate, butadiene styrene, acrylsilicone, acrylic. Each of them has both advantages and disadvantages.
Polyvinyl acetate paints are made on the basis of familiar to some people glue PVA emulsion. They are relatively inexpensive, almost odorless, adhere well to the painted surface. The indisputable advantage of this paint is that it is possible to wash hands and working tool.
This paint frequently simply call you have.
However, PVA-paints have significant drawbacks, for example, they are unstable to moisture and mechanical influences. Therefore they are used only for interior decoration, covering their ceilings and the upper parts of the walls, there are places that are hard to reach. This type of paint is very similar to the dispersion.
Styrene butadiene paints are more water resistant and durable. However, they quickly fade under the action of sunlight. Therefore, they are also used for interior decoration and for painting of exterior surfaces these paints are unsuitable. Cost they a little exceed of paint PVA.
Acrylsilicone paints have good light and moisture resistance, and high resistance to wear, therefore, well suited for painting exterior surfaces.
Finally, most qualitative and most expensive latex paint – acrylic.
The choice of latex paint
What you should pay attention when buying latex paint? The main characteristics of such coatings, the gloss level, durability and moisture resistance. These indicators are closely related to each other. The higher the gloss, the higher abrasion resistance the paint has. However, on a glossy surface are clearly visible all the defects, even minor. In addition, on a Sunny day, glossy surface shines brightly. It is therefore reasonable to choose the paint with low gloss (semimatte and below).
Be sure to note how many cycles of dry or wet abrasion designed paint. "Dry abrasion" means that the paint nevlagostoykim (based on PVA-emulsion). "Wet abrasion" means that the paint is moisture-resistant. The number of cycles indicates how many times you can wash painted surfaces without damage to its appearance. For dry areas, choose a paint with a minimum of 1000 cycles for the ceiling and 2000 cycles for the walls. For areas where there are often noticeable differences in humidity (bathroom, toilet, kitchen), it is better to take a more permanent paint, with values of the 2000/3000 cycles. If you need paint for external works, particularly in areas with a humid climate, look for products with the maximum possible number of cycles (10000 and above). Of course, its value will be highest.
Sometimes inexperienced buyers are lost, seeing the packaging, paint the designation "class 1" "class 2", etc. actually it means, how staunchly resisting paint abrasion. For example, class 1 is the highest resistance to wet abrasion. Class 2 – so the colours are really resistant to wet abrasion class 3 – not resistant, but not afraid of accidental contact with water. Class 4 – these colors only resistant to dry abrasion, washing the surface impossible. If you get emulsion paint with an indicator of "class 5", know that it is completely unstable to wet and dry abrasion. It can only be used for painting hard to reach internal surfaces in a dry place.
Choosing a latex paint, get as much information as possible about manufacturers. These data you can find on the Internet. Be sure to pay attention to the forums, because the people there are divided opinions about the companies. Ask them to advise you of a specialist, ask advice from friends and acquaintances.