The easiest way to dress fashionably at this age, which, unfortunately, is not suitable for all – buying a well-known clothing teen brands (Abercrombie, Zara, etc.). If possible to buy branded clothing is to consider: the most appropriate and practical for teenagers is casual. Do not hesitate, buy a variety of jeans, t-shirts and hoodies – all of these things look very stylish on adolescent girls and on skinny women, and those whose weight is above normal. In relation to this age, casual means not only convenience, but also an opportunity to Express their individuality in clothing. So many girls at 12-13 years of age love to wear thematic t-shirts with portraits of idols or heroes favorite movies forbid them to Express themselves.
Small purses many teenage girls prefer a backpack or a roomy gym bag. The most popular shoes they have for many years remained a short shoes and "ballet flats". However, remember that this style of apparel is appropriate is not always.
Clothing for attending school should look different. Even if your institution does not have mandatory school uniforms, dress for class should be in business style. Wearing jeans in many schools is not permitted. In this case, buy or sew the pants, better two pair – thin and warm for winter. Perfect dark, subtle stripe. Buy a few bright blouses or turtlenecks, so they can be changed often. To complement a business suit can be a jacket or several jackets. Not all girls love to wear skirts, but it is better if the wardrobe will be at least one. Shoes-ballet shoes suitable to this style of clothing, but the loafers and sneakers are best left at home.

Such clothes it is possible to wear and outside school, in special cases – for example, wear it for going to the theater or to the exhibition, diversified with the help of accessories or sweaters bright colors.
Finally, for special occasions the girl of 12-13 years it is acceptable to dress like dress up adults: for example, for wedding or Christmas party stitch her evening dress, buy shoes on a small heel. In these cases, even in the face of a teenager would be appropriate, a small amount of makeup: lip gloss, tone, a smidgen of blush.

The most important thing you should remember is that clothes should be comfortable, preferably from natural materials and, of course, stylish and fashionable. In this case, a girl of 12-13 years will wear it with pleasure and feel comfortable in it.