Follow the same rules that apply to any Church. As in the Orthodox Church, the Church must not smoke and drink alcohol. In addition, the Church is not customary to make noise. Remember that in the temple people come for different reasons. Someone wants to think, to feel the presence of God, confess and repent. If someone is in trouble, he prays for the deceased or sick. Treat them with respect.
Please note that the Church is arranged differently than the Orthodox Church. For example, there is no iconostasis, but there is a chancel screen. Stranger for her to not go. In big churches have side chapels dedicated to particularly revered this Holy place. Worship occurs in the Central part, which in the Catholic tradition, is called the presbytery. In the same part are the tabernacle, next to which the icon lamp always burns. The choir is in a separate room. In the Church there is still a sacristy. In these premises without permission to enter is not accepted.
Particularly severe restrictions in the clothes, even the deeply religious Catholics there. Clothes should not be too open, that's all. Unwanted too deep cleavage, very short skirt or shorts. In some Catholic churches revealing outfits are prohibited. In the Church a woman can enter into the pants. To cover his head not necessarily. The man should remove headdress.
Look at how they behave religious Catholics. Once in the Church, they come to the Holy water bowl, throw the fingers of the right hand, then cross. Someone may welcome you, and in this case you should know what to answer. Following greetings and responses:
- Glory To Jesus Christ!
- Forever and ever, Amen.

- Bless The Lord!
- Thanks Be To God.

Help Me, Lord!
For the glory of God.

- Bless The Lord!
- Thanks Be To God.

If you do not want to be trapped, follow this speech formulas.
Note also that Catholics kneel before the tabernacle, and do it every time you pass by. If a person, for whatever reason, to kneel can't, he just bows his head. This is recommended to those who went to Church as a guest. If you don't want to bend the knee, just stay at the entrance, there is also a bench. Remember that Catholics are baptized not quite as Orthodox. However, because you are baptized not like the others, no you from the temple will not drive.
You can take any prayer bench – they usually stand on both sides of the aisle. In some churches, where the service is conducted in two languages, there is a division. On one side of the aisle, sit the members of one nationality, and on the other the second. But in principle there are no restrictions. Before the benches are small benches. They need to be able to believers during worship was kneeling.
In the Church it is not customary to interrupt someone else's prayer, even if you come up with a goal to meet with this person. Wait until it finishes. Moreover, it is not customary to interrupt the priest, talking with someone from the congregation. You should not even approach them, because it can be a purely private conversation, in no way not apply to you. If you were near the confessional and out voices – stay away.
If you need to talk to a Catholic priest, it is useful to know how to address him. In a personal conversation it is possible to use "father." Regardless of, whether you talk during worship or at other times, communication with your cleric must follow the rules of etiquette. Do not allow rudeness, double-entendres, risque jokes. Just follow the rules, meet the culture of communication.