You will need
  • - shovel;
  • - gravel;
  • - fertilizer;
  • - peat;
  • - turf soil;
  • - sand.
Inspect the roots of the seedling before you buy. The root system should be well developed with the presence of young roots, with no visible damage. Check whether the dried plant. For this guide to root your fingernail or a sharp object, if moisture is sufficient, the scratches will become moist and the upper layer is easily removable. Inspect the plants for harmful insects, diseases and growths. Around the roots should be preserved earthen.
Select the place where to grow shrub. Arborvitae grows in any soil and under any conditions, but it is desirable that it was a shady spot out of the wind. Dig a hole the size of 70-80 cm On the bottom place a layer of gravel in the Mix 10-15 cm sod soil, peat and sand in the ratio 2:1:1. In the hole put the seedling and pour this mixture so that the root collar was on the ground level. Add fertilizer. If you want to plant some shrubs, leave between them a distance of about 4 meters. If you want to make a hedge of arborvitaebetween the shrubs should be a distance of about one meter.
In the first month after planting, water the shrub once a week. If the weather is wet, then only 10 liters of water per plant, during dry weather 20 liters of Water not only the roots, but the very crown, sbryzgivaja it from a hose or watering can. Further watering arborvitae is needed only in dry and hot weather.
Each spring, prune the dry branches. Do it with a sharp secateurs to avoid damaging the tips of the branches. If you want to form the shapes of bushes, cut branches high by 1/3.