Even before you begin to plant a garden, first you should decide how exactly you want it to be. Whether it's a traditional suburban area with vegetable beds, berry bushes and fruit trees or maybe it will be a garden-flower garden, full of bright and fragrant flowers designed for rest from the rigors of everyday life. Maybe it will be fruit garden, consisting of apples, pears, cherries and many other fruit trees? In any case, from the purpose of the future of the gardenand relies on its layout and selection of cultural plants.
If you want to create a regular mixed garden, which has a bit of everything, you need to first lay out and plan the territory. For this it is necessary to consider the orientation of the plot to the cardinal, to find out what his part is more illuminated by the sun during the day where the shadow fell from the buildings, how smooth the terrain is and whether the natural inclinations of the soil. It is also worth to find out the level of groundwater and the approximate composition of the soil (clay, sand, loam, etc.). All these factors influence what plants and in what sequence is best to plant in the area.
If the land is completely undeveloped, and to grow a full garden you want in the shortest possible time, preference should be given to fast-growing shrubs and trees. A little visual cheat time you can buy already noticeably grown seedlings. The only drawback to this method is that Mature plants are worse than root in a new place and require more care.
For flower beds and garden beds with herbs it is better to select a flat, well-lit during the day lawn. It is important to ensure they did not have an appreciable inclination of the soil, otherwise it will lead to excessive drying of the earth. On pronounced slopes it is best to plant decorative plants for the Alpine slides. Well on such surfaces grow and flowering shrubs.
Perennial fruit trees should be planted at a considerable distance from each other that with age, they do not interfere with each other. Just keep in mind that in a few years they will take the next crown land. Therefore, for fruit trees it is better to allocate a separate part of the land, or yougardenit them on the perimeter of the site, thus preserving the free-lit space in the center