Use salted cod in winter and autumn catch. This time its meat has high fat content, and taste just improve.

Choose only fresh fish weighing more than three pounds.
For salting cod use coarse salt, which remove moisture from the fish, not give it a preservative quality. To dissolve at low temperatures the crystals require moisture, which they take from the fish.
Prefer not enameled cookware or plastic food if the amount of fish is quite small, you can take a glass container.
Before salting large cod or have to gut to pieces. Special attention should be paid to film, which protects the abdominal cavity. In no event it is impossible to damage.
Then make an incision along the spine and trim the edges of the spine. To wash the fish is not necessary, better to just wipe with a dry cloth. Average fish weighing up to three kilograms can be salted whole and to accelerate the process, recommended in the abdominal cavity to enter a strong salt solution through a syringe. The solution should be very rich.
RUB liberally with salt fish and separately pour salt under the gills and in the mouth. After that, you can put the fish in a container. When cod becomes hard and badly bent, it can be considered that the salting is finished. This fish is called tanned.
Frozen cod salting is not recommended, the structure of its tissues already broken, and it is good to pickle it does not work, because it is not clear when the fish is already salted, but not salty.

Cod fat should be kept in pickle, as in the fatty tissues of moisture is small, and a lot of salt, the fish will not take, and thus be subject to a process of disintegration and after the salt treatment.. Small you can just pour salt and put layers.