Locate an ATM owned by a Bank that is connected to your card. Even if the other banks ' ATMs allow you to withdraw this card for cash, including without a fee, to pay through any services is usually impossible.
Insert the card into the ATM the same way as when removing nalichnih.
Make sure that around you there are no strangers, and then enter the PIN code.
Select ATM menu item corresponding to the non-cash payment services. It can have different names depending on the Bank.
The menu will change to more. Select the item corresponding to the mobile phone.
In the newly appeared menu, select the operator you use.
Perhaps, there will be another menu where you are prompted to select a region. Select the one where you bought the SIM card of the phone, even if you are currently in another region of the country.
It is also possible that in the next step you will be prompted to enter the number or choose one of the rooms that has already been paid from the account of the Bank card. Select the appropriate menu item, and then, depending on how the number you decide to use, enter or select it.
Enter the amount you wish to recharge your phone.
Wait a few seconds. Information displays the entered number and the amount. Check them out. If everything is correct, select the menu item corresponding to the continuation of the operation, if not, select cancel. In the second case, the card will be returned. Put it back in again, enter your PIN, and then repeat all the steps again.
If you select continuation, wait about a minute (it takes markedly longer than a cash withdrawal). Will get a receipt that save. On request ATM machine on the continuation of the operation answer is negative. Same answer and a possible request for replacement debit cards on credit. After that, the card will be returned. Replace it.
Keep a check until then, until it is sure that the funds received on account of the phone. If you decide to throw it away, remember that it shows your phone number.