Type loops along the edge of the neck. Objazyvaet the neck on the obverse and on the reverse side, in order to hide "flaws".
Provarite two rows completely, then start knitting, using a shortened series.
Provarite one half Golovino of the forehand.
For Golovino back, go to the second segment of the front, again provarite cropped rows.
Next, tie the cloth smoothly. To ensure product originality, to knit the hood with decorative rows of several loops knit garter, the distance between the decorative strips is equal to 2/3 of the number of loops accumulated at Golovino back.
For the back part make the addition of loops, however, if the width of the hood enough, a raise could not be done.
Continue knitting products to the required length.
The edges of the side portions of the hood hinge, close, and leave the middle open.
Knit the middle, joining the side parts. For connection use the "sewn plank". In this way the hood and placket are knitted separately. Strap knit garter knitting. When this strap is attached to the hood in the process of knitting the outermost loop in the end of each row of the front side.
Davaite until the end of the front row, the last loop from the needles need to be removed. After the loop under the edge of the main leaf type hook, grab the removed loop with the strap and route it under the edge loop of the main canvas. Put the loop on the needle. The result is a connection of the product and strap.
Expand the canvas and provarite purl row, then provarite the first and the last edge loop.
Tie the edge of the elastic to complete the hood.