Thinking through the design of the cabins, develop her project, taking into account the floor area of the trailer, its parameters, location of Windows and entrances, the possibility of electrification. Then assemble the base of the trailer-cabins, consisting of two skids high-quality and durable timber. Staple these skids logs, not forgetting that on the strength element subsequently will keep your structure.
Then proceed directly to the construction of the frame, using as building material the usual wooden beams. The construction of the trailer after the installation of the frame to the base provides for subsequent plating. Start lining from the outside, using a plastic or wooden battens, and then continue to the inner cladding. To the wagon-shed was quite warm, don't limit yourself to the usual siding and for interior use hardboard is one of the best varieties of wood-fiber plates.
To build a wagon-shed, the erection of walls is not enough, so the next step do you create the floor. To do this, prepare unedged Board width of twenty millimeters, cutting her to the floor elements of the desired size. Nail items from edging boards to the joists, leaving a distance of ten inches. In the next stage, be put on Board glassine is a special parasitization material, and cover it with an additional layer of insulation can do this with mineral wool with a thickness of fifty millimeters.
After the insulation is laid, lay the finishing floor of normal grooved floor Board. Insulate the walls of the trailer-cabins cheap mineral wool, on top of which complete the cladding wooden paneling or special chipboards. Between the outer and inner walls of your trailer, cabins sure to lay the material for a good insulation from moisture, and then proceed to the last step in the Assembly of trailer – install shed or gable roof. For the Windows of cabins fittings may not be used, and the door will run from hardboard covered with frame made of timber.