Wrinkles appear on face each one individually. This may be related to skin type, lifestyle and skin care of the face. If you found that on the bridge of his nose formed a wrinkle, try to understand the cause. Typically, this wrinkle is a facial. Watch the movement of the eyebrows, forehead. You may often strain the glabellar muscles, which leads to the appearance of unpleasant wrinkles.
To start the fight against wrinkles, start with a more simple and less costly methods. For oily skin wrinkles appear later. Try as often as possible to put on the nose, sesame oil. Carefully RUB it into the wrinkles and after an hour remove the remains with a napkin. A good remedy is regular mayonnaise. Buy a pack of fatty mayonnaise and apply it at night. This will help not only eliminate existing wrinkles, but also prevents new.
Do not be lazy to experiment with facial masks. The mask on the basis of oils and herbs is very beneficial for the skin, they nourish, moisturize and smooth your face.
In addition to the nutrition the skin needs a real gym. You must perform a few exercises to get rid of wrinkles between the eyebrows. Put two fingers at the beginning of the eyebrow closer to the nose and start to frown. Under resistance your muscles will work better. Repeat this exercise 50 times a day. Put the fingers on the forehead, along the vertical line and drag a little skin. Then try to frown. Do 15-20 approaches. Another easy exercise: much slide the eyebrows, but to avoid wrinkles, press your fingers on the eyebrows. But the press should not be strong. Also repeat 15-20 times.
It should be remembered that the exercises must be done regularly. Don't be lazy, remember that it's all about youth and beauty.
If you don't want to put any effort in the fight against wrinkles, you'll like a Botox injection. Botox is a drug on the basis of the protein that allows muscles to be relaxed for a long time. Before you undergo the procedure, carefully read all medical clinics, ask your friends. This injection is painless and is done every six months. You will see the result after a week.
Don't forget that in addition to emergency measures to combat wrinkles, you need to stay healthy. Do not smoke, drink more water, follow a sensible diet. Then the youth will decorate your face.