Truffles are harvested in late summer or early fall. Despite the fact that mushrooms begin to grow since the spring, they ripen long enough. Popular places for these fungi – this is a different glade, which gets lots of light, edges oak forest. Found truffle in Prilesie in birch groves, or even in an aspen forest, but less frequently. Almost by chance the fungus can grow in the juniper, walnut or alder thickets. Place a truffle can be distinguished by the fact that the earth is getting a few gray-ash, moss and grass in these areas withered and stunted, sickly and withered.
Usually truffles nest in several pieces. It's a tuber, which is a little reminiscent of a mushroom, it does not have the cap and the stem, the familiar sight of a mushroom. More like potatoes, the surface is yellowish or gray-brown. Some of these mushrooms if they are cut like marble. The pulp is grayish-white or pure white, and the black truffle it eventually darkens to purple-black. These mushrooms look quite unusual, but even more to remember their scent. Very sturdy, does not erode for many years if dried truffle in the sun.
Rare truffle comes to the surface. Sometimes they act almost half of the land, but most are hidden under the ground at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface. The depth can reach 20 cm or more. The size of the truffle, too, is different, diameter from 2 to 10 cm, or even more.
If clearing your mind "truffle", you should pay attention to the bumps of the earth. Some may lurk a single mushroom, and there will be his family. Looking for truffles at any time of the day. If other mushrooms are harvested in the morning, as they at this time, most fresh and strong, the truffles are equally good at any time of the day, in the evening to find them is even easier.
Truffles is very strong smell, and if the person is using the layer of the earth do not feel that animals and insects feel full. A truffle is often the place you can find near sunset. On a Sunny day yellowish midges can swarm above the mycelium, as smell. It happens also that the land there is a little dug: that animals, including moose, hares, bears, badgers, foxes and squirrels, also trying to find delicious mushroom.