You will need
  • - KillMe;
  • - Free Memory;
  • - RAM Cleaner
For the Symbian platform there is a special KillMe app that allows you to manage even running system applications. Processes that can be safely discharged are marked with a "*"sign.
Download the program from the official developer site and install it on the phone. Run the tool and in the first tab go to "Menu" - "Close all". Removal of system processes, go to the appropriate tab.
Well Android manages its own memory. On the device Manager task on their own, "killing" all the non-essential tasks after a certain period of time. When you click on the Home button of the device, the phone saves the application settings on your hard drive, unloading the app from RAM. When returning to this app again it is loaded into temporary storage, and then loaded the saved state to the last output. When the memory device is overloaded, the built-in Manager automatically kills useless processes.
For the iPhone developed a large number of resource-intensive apps and games that take a lot of RAM. To release it you can use the task managers and FreeMemory MemoryStatus.
When you run FreeMemory you are presented with a graph as RAM of your device. Memory Status allows you to clear the memory in two stages. First removed the Safari, and relieved a part of the temporary storage. In the second stage deleted,, freeing up even more space.
The completion of the applications in Windows Mobile does not always happen correctly, you experience a kind of "leaking" memory. Instead of reboot the device, use the utility RAM Cleaner that will clean the used services at regular intervals. Especially important is the use of this program if you often use the navigation and "heavy" games.