Imagine that your life consists of four paragraphs. It's your appearance, your work, your society and your dreams and self-development. If you pay equal attention to all four components, you are very harmonious personality. Therefore, changing the image, try not to miss any of the above, did not deprive the attention of any one of the components.
You should be able to respect yourself. When low self-esteem and the image suffers. No one will respect a person if he does not feel confidence. So develop this quality.
Nothing affects the mood and determination of the woman as her appearance. Visit first salon. You will approach any radical change of appearance. You can change your hair color to make tan. Of affectionate cat to become a tiger. The main thing - define your new style. Who do you want to become: business woman or a capricious beauty?
Once you have decided on the style, feel free to change the wardrobe. You want to change the image, then waiting for change. Here and change the usual style. It is unlikely you will be able to do it immediately. Probably need a little time to determine what you will look more advantageous. But that there are boutiques. Grab a friend and bolder looking.
Not just change your wardrobe or paint makeup. Changing the image, you change completely. Not only externally but also internally. To change the image, in essence it is like to become another person. Is largely unrecognizable. And therefore, you need to change your lifestyle. Become more active. It is not obligatory to visit a gym, though it is also a good idea. Just be more active. Don't sit in front of the TV. Relax in nature with friends. Live every day like it could be the last.
Now, when looking in the mirror, you see a completely different woman, take the time to self-development. Think about what you wanted to do? You can implement a childhood dream or to come up with a new hobby. Most importantly, don't just stand there. Develop! This is why you wanted to change the image?