Assign instrument number, specify in the construction or repair what is the object of the work was produced. List the exact address and name. Put the date of writing.
List all persons involved in the examination made of the hidden works. Indicate their names, initials, name of organization and position held. After listing all persons write that they made the inspection of the work executed by the contractor. Specify the name of the contractor (executor).
List of worksubmitted for examination by the Commission. Write as clearly and in detail. Tick the numbers of drawings and documents on which work was performed, the date of its preparation or identification parameters. There specify the name of the organization involved in project documentation.
Specify the names of all materials that were used during the work. List the brand, the exact name. Also list the equipment applied during construction or repair.
If during construction or renovations was a deviation from the design documentation, to reflect that in act. Prescribe, by whom it was agreed, refer to numbers of drawings and the date of approval.
Select the start and end date of the hidden works at the construction site in separate lines.
At the end of act make that all work was performed according to design documentation and comply with current regulations.
Print the act in four copies to the contractor for the customer, to designing and managing organizations. Collect signatures of persons involved in the process of examination of the hidden works.