You will need
  • A volunteer from among the loved ones;
  • - the space is protected from extraneous noise.
From the point of view of physics, each thought creates in the space a power fluctuation. Empirically it was found that each thought has its own frequency, and the human brain being the most powerful biological computer," it can catch. This issue is very little studied. Remain unclear and many mechanisms of this process, but this process is under certain conditions possible.
If you want to learn how to read minds at a distance, be ready for a hard and laborious work on his own consciousness. First, you have to learn by relaxing techniques to bring your consciousness to a state of absolute rest. You can also practice different types of meditation.
When you learn to take in the rest, you will find that, despite the complete relaxation of the whole organism, the brain continues to work actively. Stream a wide variety of thoughts not stop for a second. To hear the thoughts of others, you must learn to control their.
To do this, do the exercise, which can be described as "complete silence" in the mind. You have to stop thinking at all. Block all thoughts. First, you will be able to free your consciousness for a few minutes, but over time will improve your results several times.
The third stage of training includes pre-exercise. Ask a close person, with whom you have quite a lot of joint experiences, focus and think about one of these events. Make sure that your partner comfortably in the easy chair, spare him his life from extraneous noise and other distractions. Themselves sit nearby.
Use the technique of progressive relaxation. But do not delay this process, because your loved one is not prepared for such events and may fall asleep if you take too long to prepare.
Then clear your thoughts and try to grasp what they think of your partner in the experiment. After you will see fragments of some event, just realize that this is not a figment of your imagination, and a signal from the outside, unable to finish the session. After the experiment, compare your assumptions with the thoughts of the other person.
In the initial stages of the planned event should be familiar to you is very important. In the future it won't matter. Improving, you will be able more and more to move away from the person whose thoughts you are reading.