Visit a gynecologist if you are unable to get pregnant for 2 years, in order to verify their own health and identify reasons for the lack of reproductive function. He will prescribe a set of tests, which included the study of the composition of blood, urine, samples for biological compatibility with the spouse, the study of the fallopian tubes, the determination of ovulation. My husband is assigned to the semen analysis, the result of which will show the presence of active sperm.
Go to the reception to the doctor-the urologist together with her husband. The specialist will make a conclusion based on the results of semen analysis. In the pathology of sperm recommend an additional definition in the blood serum of pituitary hormones and cytogenetic studies. In this case, the doctor takes a swab from the oral cavity, a high percentage of cells with sex chromatin may indicate the presence of an additional X chromosome in the karyotype of XXY. Upon detection of such changes, the man assigned to treatment, often in hospital.
Sign up for consultation to the gynecologist. He will examine your test results, will conduct inspection on the gynecological chair will analyze the data about the duration of your menstrual cycle, make a conclusion about the presence or absence of anomalies in the structure of the genital organs. The specialist will take a swab for analysis of the composition of the mucosa.
Ask the doctor to write a referral for tests aimed at ascertaining the patency of the fallopian tubes. Violation may result peritubarnyh adhesions and scarring of the peritoneum covering them, as well as due to inflammatory diseases of the inside of the pipe. In addition, you will help laparoscopy and investigation of the cervical mucus, preferably in a post-coital period. Trial performed before the supposed ovulation. It is recommended to measure the basal temperature for two menstrual cycles and plotting. In this case, it is easy to calculate the ovulation period and conduct the appropriate tests.
Try to use traditional methods of treatment of the disease. You can apply upland uterus or wild rosemary, sage and others.
If the previous tests and examinations have not yielded positive results for the treatment of obstruction of the fallopian tubes you can resort to a procedure called hydroturbine, which is an introduction to the fallopian tube fluid. To do this, use sterile isotonic solution of sodium chloride, 0.25% solution of novocaine, etc. the Procedure is performed only in a hospital. The patency of the fallopian tubes is considered unbroken, if easy is 40-50 ml drug mixture at a pressure of 10.7 kPa. At the time of hidrocarburii you will feel pain in the projection of the fallopian tubes. The course usually ends with the conduct of hysterosalpinography, which consists in introducing into the uterine cavity of contrast agents with subsequent radiographic study.
Ask your doctor for referral to hospital in case of detection of pathologies in the course of the research. If you have infertility caused by dysfunction of the ovaries, surgery is indicated. Then used electrophoresis with zinc and hormonal therapy. You will be prescribed hormonal drugs in violation of the menstrual cycle. If the tests for thyroid hormones show a deviation from the norm, will recommend you to restore the endocrine system.
Try to find out as much information as possible about the procedure of artificial insemination and IVF. In the first case, you need to spend drug therapy before the procedure in order to prolong ovulation. Sperm is injected directly into the uterine cavity, and it may belong to the husband or donor. The IVF procedure is rather complicated, it is a long-term training needs long-term course of medication that stimulates the production of a large number of eggs. Then fertilize them in the laboratory, preliminary having withdrawn using local anesthesia at the woman in the hospital. Only then the fertilized egg is introduced into the cavity of the uterus and monitor their healing. If in the anamnesis there are birth and you are under 40 years, the chance to bear a child after IVF maximum, in the event of any deviations, the percentage survival of the ovum is 50/50%.