You will need
  • - dracaena;
  • - a sharp knife or secateurs;
  • - a piece of cotton wool;
  • - a little alcohol;
  • - charcoal;
  • - sulphur;
  • the drug EPIN;
  • drug kornevin;
  • - moss;
  • - plastic bag;
  • - elastic band;
  • - pegs;
  • - Bank with water.
Beautiful crown dracaena is obtained by stimulating growth of lateral shoots. This plant, like most others, tends to grow up. If you give him the opportunity, forces on the development of lateral buds from it. Therefore, wait until the flower reaches the desired size and remove the top handle.
The top of the dracaena is better not to pinch off and cut. For the parent plant, the result will be the same, but with the circumcision you will get a viable cutting. Mark the point located 5-6 cm below the apical Bud.
Like any surgery, circumcision tops need to prepare. The knife or secateurs should be clean, even better to wipe it with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol or Cologne. Mash charcoal or add a bit of sulphur. It is necessary for the treatment of "wounds".
Cut the apical stem in the target point. Dracaena, in principle, still be straight cut or oblique, so do as you prefer. The cut sprinkle charcoal or gray. Cut the stalk, put in a jar with water, adding a little bit of coal. Three weeks the cutting will root and you can plant it in the ground.
New side shoots will appear in a couple of weeks. Give them a little growing up to do. When they reach the desired size, make them the same operation as with the top. Thus, it is possible to make the crown of dracaena is a very beautiful and thick. These cuttings also will root and plants they make no less than the apical.
If the side shoots to grow from, not wish, need to stimulate a different way. Sprinkle kidney Appin. If sprouts do not appear, give the plant a small teplichku. Put on the perimeter of the pot spacers and pull them on plastic transparent film.