You will need
- - Tartaric acid,
- - oxalic acid,
- - ammonia,
- - hydrochloric acid,
- - hydrogen peroxide,
- - sponge or brush.
To remove rust use a variety of media: powders, pastes, gels and liquids. All the above preparations contain acids which will help dissolve the rust. But, as a result of chemical reactions, the formation of salt. If they don't wash off, they gradually begin to destroy the enamel of the toilet. Such means in any case not recommended for use every day. Do not use for cleaning the toilet hard and coarse abrasives, they may scratch the enamel surface and reduce the Shine of the covering.
From enamel and porcelain bowls of rust can be removed with a 20% aqueous solution of tartaric acid (20 ml of acid to 80 ml water) or 5% oxalic acid solution (5ml acid in 95 ml of water, should be applied to the inner surface and leave for a while. Then wipe the toilet with a cloth soaked in ammonia solution, and rinse with clean water. Your toilet sparkly clean again.
Hydrochloric acid will also help clean stubborn rustthat cannot be cleaned with conventional cleaners. Pour on the dry the surface of the toilet bowl two tablespoons of hydrochloric acid, you can spread it with a sponge or brush, leave on for 15-20 minutes. After some time wash with water the toilet, to get rid of any remaining acid. In this case, it is necessary to observe special precautions: wear rubber gloves and protective glasses, avoid breathing the acid can burn mucous membranes.
Resulting rust spots on enamel, marble or earthenware bowl can be removed with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, mixed in the ratio of 9:1. Lubricate the resulting solution to the rust place and leave for a few hours. It remains only to clean the toilet with disinfectant.
Today in stores you can find huge amount of money cleaning the toilet, the most effective of them: "Mole", "Sanitary-1,2", "Triumph", "Sanita", "Silit".
Do not delay reading the toilet, then you will not have to exert a lot of effort to remove the rust.
Useful advice
A for cleaning the bowl use regular Coca-Cola (2 liters), which you need to fill inside of the plumbing and leave for a few hours. Cleans rust great. Follow safety precautions when working with acid.